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Henderson County, IL



Index of News Stories Collected For Henderson County

Posted byJean Crowl 13 April, 2009

  • Notices from 1868:
    Mr. James Ryason finished up harvesting his crop of hops last week. He has a fine drying house, complete in all of its appointments and has succeeded in curing his hops in excellent order. It took him about a week, wiht about 16 hands, to gather and dry the crop from 3 acres. For size and quality, the hops raised by him are Number one. The yield was heavy, as will be seen by the following figures averaging 42 pounds to the box, equal to 2,128 pounds of green hops to the acre. Of course, in drying, this weight is very materially reduced, but there still remains large enough margin above expenses to make it a profitable crop.

  • Masonic Installations:
    The following officers have been installed in Oquawka Lodge 123 AF and AM for the present year. James Scott, John A. Pence, James Peterson, James Cunningham, H.F. McAllister, C.W. Milliken, and M. H. Mills.

  • Married in Limerich, Maine on 9 January 1868 at the residence o the brides brother-in-law, Hon. L. S. Moore, Dr. C. W. Milliken of Oquawka to Alice C. Barker of Limerich.

  • This from the Monmouth Review
    Atlas Hon. David Rankin, President of the 1st National Bank of Monmouth is one of the most extensive landowners in the west. During the past 6 months, he has purchased 9, 020 acres of land for which he paid $75, 278.82. He has an aggregate of 15, 528 acres and has built over 40 miles of fence last year. He is now feeding over 1600 head of cattle. He enjoys an enviable popularity and prominence throughout the West. His successful career is due to his own energy and ability, being a striking example of one who is the "Architect of his own fortune.
  1. Dressmaker - Miss J Catlin 1876

  2. James Gibson

  3. Westward Ho - James Alexander 1851

  4. Wind Hail Rain July 1883

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