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Henderson County, IL



Matthew Douglas

Obituary of Matthew Douglas Matthew Douglas, was born in Lo [ Lower] Chanceford, York County, Pa., January _____ 1824, died October 18, 1800, at Emerson, Iowa, ages sixty-six years, nine months, and sixteen days.

Having been converted, he joined the M. E. church when almost twenty years of age. For forty- six years he lead a Ch [ Christian] irn life. A life in him full of noble ex ample and labour; four year's a class tom ______ in the church of his choice.

In 18 ? he was married to Miss Ellen Kilgore daughter of the late Joshua Kilgore P.B. twp., and has been blessed ______ God in the union, in that children were given to him, that he might train them _______ usefulness, and that they might aid his wife and mother in caring for the husband and father, when he came to his last days.

These last days have be been full to overflowing with pain and disc [ discomfort] It has been said, "that our people are _______ well," so it has been most certainly so for brother Douglass. For a long time he had been in the valley of the shadow of death. He feared no evil The rod and staff did comfort him. Submissive and obedient he suffered the masters will yell? out a murmer or complaint. He rejoic [es] in affliction. He conquered the gra [ grace?] and triumph over death. To day ______ doubt he is crowned and robed and fo [ for] ever at the rest of the Lord.

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