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Henderson County, IL



Frank McFarland

FRANK McFARLAND is one of Oquawka's native sons. He was born on the 9th of October, 1861, and is a representative of one of the early families of the community.

His father, John McFarland, was a native of Knox County, Ohio. Emigrating to Illinois, he took up his residence in Oquawka, where for a number of years he engaged in business as a lumber merchant, but at this writing is living retired. He was united in marriage with Miss Ellen King, a native of Kentucky, and to them were born six children, three sons and three daughters, as follows: Laura, deceased, wife of T. C. Allen; Donzela, who has also passed away; Frank of this sketch; Harvey, a cutter by trade, living in Oquawka; Walter, a cutter of ladies' garments, now employed in Washington, D. C.; and Maude, yet at home.

Midst play and work the boyhood and youth of our subject were passed, unmarked by any event of special importance. His education was acquired in the public schools of Oquawka, which he attended until sixteen years of age. In this, he began clerking for R. D. Stanley, in whose employ he remained for a period of three years. On the 9th of October, 1893, he accepted a position as salesman with the well-known mercantile firm of McFarland and Allen, and has since continued with them. He has always lived in Oquawka, save in 1889, when he made a trip to the West, and was employed in a dry goods store for a time. He also engaged in painting, but during the latter part of the year he returned to his native city.

On the 1st of June, 1882, Mr. McFarland was united in marriage with Miss Carrie Cunningham, of Oquawka, and their union has been blessed with six children, five of whom are yet living: Chester, Bernice, Harvey, Gladys and Frank. Ida, the second child, died in infancy.

Both Mr. and Mrs. McFarland have a wide acquaintance in this community and have many warm friends, who hold them in high esteem. On attaining his majority, Mr. McFarland proudly cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. James A. Garfield, and has since supported the Republican party, for he is a warm advocate of its principles. He has served as Alderman of the city for two years, and is now a member of the School Board. The best interests of the community ever find in him a friend, ready to aid in their advancement and progress. Mr. McFarland's career has not been a brilliant one, in the sense of attracting extended public notice, but his life has been honorable and upright, and has gained him the confidence and high regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact.

From the Portrait and biographical record of Hancock, McDonough and Henderson counties, Illinois : containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county (1894)
May, 1894. Lake City Publishing Co.

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